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Agendas Create Space for Joy

Caren Cioffi
September 1, 2023

Hello, Hero! Welcome to Agenda Hero, a platform created to unite people and schedules. Our story begins with a relatable and frustrating pain that is shared by so many around us: managing the chaos of the family schedule.

When starting Agenda Hero, I found myself submerged in the intricate task of managing our family’s schedule — AND failing miserably at it. I was drowning in the endless cascade of ever-changing responsibilities for each and every family member with no good software to help me succeed.

My responsibilities then, and now, include:

  • always knowing who needs to be where, at what time, and with whom.
  • making sure everyone gets where they need to be, which includes figuring out modes of transportation, carpools, drop-offs, and pick-ups. For every single thing.
  • remembering to send the right things on the right days, like book returns on library days
  • and getting all the tasks done: picture forms, permission forms, fees, party RSVPs, signups!
  • on top of it all, updating the schedule the second something on it changes, which is the only constant when it comes to schedules — schedules always change.

The difference is, before Agenda Hero, I was practically devoting an entire day of my week merely to stay afloat amidst the sea of tasks that our vibrant communities defined — from our kid’s schools to sports, theater groups, art and music communities, summer camps — AND still missing events, deadlines, and never feeling like I could keep up. I was shouldering all of this myself because, without an easy-to-use tool, it actually took more work to get my family’s help than to do it myself. Today, we’re still involved with the same awesome communities, but managing our family schedule is joyful, happy, even beautiful. It is collaborative with shared responsibilities and the wonderful feeling of being on top of everything, and we are no longer failing; we are succeeding!

While Agenda Hero started with a focus on solving the frustration of family schedules, it has expanded to support any schedule used by more than one person. Over the past year, we’ve been thrilled to welcome many groups collaborating on schedules. This includes families using Agenda Hero as their command station for the family schedule, planning summer camps, tracking birthdays, and even collaborating with siblings on their senior parent doctor appointments. We also have hobby groups collaborating on gardening, band performances, and film festival submissions. Students are using Agenda Hero to keep track of homework and projects. Neighbors use it for carpools. And while we didn’t intentionally build for this, we’re also seeing work teams use Agenda Hero to collaborate on the company roadmap, project roadmap, and general transparency in an experience tied back to the calendar. As it turns out, a purpose-built collaboration platform for schedules has a broad appeal with one thing in common: groups of two or more who want to collaborate on or follow the same schedule.

Our goal at Agenda Hero is to spark joy and bring happiness to everyone involved in a schedule that’s meant for more than one person. This includes your family, school group, sports team, Brownie’s Troop, startup, marketing team, condo association, band, and more. Any schedule involving more than one person is a great schedule to make in Agenda Hero. We are purpose-built for collaboration, helping everyone in your group succeed. And we are so happy to be on this journey with you!

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